Write On!

Earlier this year I resolved to get back into writing the novel I was working on last year. To this end I’ve been organising the materials I’ve gathered, reading what I’ve already written and thinking about ways to carry the story forward to where I want it to go. I’m also thinking about how to convey a setting, later in the story, In a place I have never been. Lonely Planet and internet here I come.


Where the writing mostly happens. I have a notebook, of course, for ideas and thoughts that occur when I’m out and about or in bed.

There are really no excuses left to stop me adding new words in the coming weeks.

I’ve got thirty thousand words, so I’m not starting from the very beginning. The story is building up to a Dramatic Event and after that there are some developments I’m not at all sure about leading up to the finale, which takes place in the year 2023.

So, get writing, I say to myself. One word after another.

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